Matt Whisenant
Matt Whisenant from the University of Wyoming spoke to the athletes about being a student first, then an athlete.

Max Lundberg
Pinedale Alpine Ski Coach, Max Lundberg is retiring this year.

Bob & Julie Maxam
Sublette County swim coaches, Bob & Julie Maxam were honored as the coaches of the year.

Kevin Carrier
One of the many awards Kevin Carrier took home was the Olympic Torch Trophy.

Jannean James
Pinedale Coaches Association awarded Jannean James the 'Fan of the Year' Jacket.

Sadie Nelson
Coach Richard Steege awarded Sadie Nelson the Pinedale High School Female Athlete of the Year.

Joe Steege
Coach and father, Rich Steege presents his son, Joe, the Pinedale High School Male Athlete of the Year Award.

Stephanie Wilkerson
Stephanie Wilkerson was awarded the Myshana Whitley Memorial Scholarship.

Girls' Swim Team
The girls' swim team was awarded the Highest Grade Point trophy. Their average GPA was a 3.80, the highest of any other team this year.