Ribbon Cutting
Pinedale Mayor Matt Murdock
cuts the ribbon during the
Grand Opening for the new RV
Dump Station.

First ones through
The Mofit family from
Meeker, Colorado broke the
Grand Opening Ribbon. (L to
R) Friend Faris Brown from
Pinedale, John & Lisa
Mofit, Cathleen Alford with
baby Lucy.
New Pinedale RV Dump & Fill Station Grand Opening June 19
by Town of Pinedale
June 17, 2020
The Town of Pinedale Recreational Vehicle Dump and Fill Station is ready for summer.
In celebration, the Town will be hosting a Grand Opening on site at 957 West Pine Street, behind Rocky Mountain Wash on Friday, June 19, 2020 at 10 a.m.
The first 10 recreational vehicles with a local license plate will be able to use the facility at no charge.
The completion of this project has been a Town Council priority for the last several years. The Dump and Fill Station will provide a much-needed service to both our local community and the many travelers that come through Pinedale.
This new project will now allow recreational vehicles to dispose of waste for a flat fee as well as provide a water fill station for recreation and industrial vehicles.
The Pinedale Town Council wishes to thank the Wyoming Business Council, Rocky Mountain Wash, Rio Verde Engineering, Teletractors, Hayley Ruland, Josh Wilson, and the many people who worked hard complete this project.
Pinedale Mayor, Matt Murdock got the honors of cutting the Grand Opening ribbon. The first RV through was a family from Meeker, Colorado visiting on their way to Yellowstone National Park, John and Lisa Mofit along with their daughter Cathleen and granddaughter Lucy. The first Pinedale resident to bring an RV through and use the dump station was Mike Denney.