Pinedale Natural Gas rates to increase
by Pinedale Natural Gas
February 8, 2019
Notice of Rate Change Wyoming law allows utilities such as Pinedale Natural Gas, Inc. (PNG) to pass through the wholesale cost of a commodity such as natural gas. PNG usually files twice per year for minor changes to the rates through its gas cost balancing account. In December a pipeline event in Canada caused a sudden, dramatic rise in gas costs for southwest Wyoming and the Pacific Northwest. PNG is requesting a more significant, but short-term increase in rates of $2.64 per decatherm in Docket No. 30016-88-GP-19 (Record No. 15190) effective February 15, 2019.
For more information, you may contact PNG at 307-367-4427 or through its website, or the Wyoming Public Service Commission at (307) 777-7427.