2025 Pedigree Stage Stop Race begins Jan 31
Stages from January 31 to February 8, 2025
January 26, 2025
The 2025 Pedigree Stage Stop Race will be held from January 31 to February 8, 2025. Opening ceremonies begin Friday, January 31st in Jackson, Wyoming. This premier "stage" format sled dog race is hosted by area communities. The Stage Stop Race aims to promote healthy and active lifestyles for people and their pets. By showcasing the strong bond and dedication between humans and canine participants, our aim is to inspire people to enjoy the outdoors with their animal companions. Teams race on public lands of the Bridger-Teton, and Shoshone National Forests, competing for $200,000 in prize money & the elusive title of "Stage Stop Champion." Follow the event at www.wyomingstagestop.org.
Schedule Friday, January 31 – Jackson Hole Vet Check, 9:00AM-1:00PM. Opening Ceremonies, 5PM, Jackson Town Square downtown Jackson. 6:30PM First team leaves the Chutes.
Saturday, February 1 – Stage 1: Pinedale, Wyoming, Upper Green Race start 9AM Upper Green parking lot / Musher Banquet, 6PM, Lovatt Room, Pinedale Library. Everyone invited. Meal $8/adults, $5/kids.
Sunday, February 2 – Stage 2: Pinedale, Wyoming, Upper Green, race start 9AM. Spectators welcome.
Monday, February 3 – Stage 3: Big Piney/Marbleton, Wyoming, Middle Piney parking lot, 9AM / Musher Banquet, 6PM, Southwest Sublette County Senior Center, Marbleton
Tuesday, February 4 – Stage 4: Big Piney/Marbleton, Wyoming, Middle Piney parking lot, 9AM
Wednesday, February 5 – Stage 5: Kemmerer, Wyoming, Hams Fork trailhead at end of the Hams Fork Road, 9AM
Thursday, February 6 – Stage 6: Lander, Wyoming, 9:00 am. Race Start Louis Lake Road parking lot, Hwy 28 on South Pass. Alternate Start Weather Permitting Bruce's Bridge Sinks Canyon. Musher Meet & Greet 5:30PM on the 200 block of Main Street in downtown Lander.
Friday, February 7 – Stage 7: Dubois, Wyoming Race Start, 9AM, Louis Lake Road parking lot, Hwy 28 on South Pass. Alternate Start Weather Permitting Bruce's Bridge Sinks Canyon. Meet the Mushers & Dogs 4-6pm at Town Park.
Saturday, February 8 – Stage 8: Dubois, Wyoming 9:00AM race start at Sheridan Snow Oval. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Local dogsled team rides or watch the demonstrations at Double Bar J Ranch. 6:00 pm: Headwaters Arts & Conference Center - Snow Dogs Movie. 6:00pm: Community dinner hosted by local guest ranches at the Dennison Lodge.